Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No hunting in Hungary for at least week!

There will be no hunting going on in Hungary for at least a week. The reason for this is that there are no new seals available for the new season.
All game shot in Hungary must get a seal (looks like a tie-wrap). It has a unique code on it that is needed for registration. All hunters in Hungary must carry at least one when they go hunting.
So it basically comes down to this: No seals, no hunting!

I'm really curious who's mistake that was!

UPDATE!: The first, new season, seals have come! The club got 20 pieces and I got 2 of those. It doesn't solve the problem but it's a start none the less!

UPDATE #2: It appears all the hunting clubs in the country have now received there new tags. I'm still very curious how something like this could ever happen. WTF...

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